[Mne_analysis] blocking script while selecting artefacts
Geoff Brookshire
geoff.brookshire at gmail.com
Wed Feb 5 10:23:18 EST 2020
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Bjørn,
I make sure the script waits till I've finished artifacts using the `input`
fig = raw.plot(butterfly=True)
fig.canvas.key_press_event('a') # Press 'a' to start entering
input('Press ENTER when finished tagging artifacts') # And after
closing the plot window
I see you did a similar thing, but have it commented out -- does that do
the trick if you add it after the second time you run data.plot()?
On Wed, Feb 5, 2020 at 3:12 PM Dan McCloy <dan at mccloy.info> wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Did you copy/paste the script exactly? I ask because in your email, the
> relevant line says "block=False", not "block=True", which would certainly
> explain why blocking doesn't work.
> -------- Original Message --------
> On Feb 5, 2020, 07:02, Bjørn Erik Juel < b.e.juel at medisin.uio.no> wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Hey all.
> I am trying to do something very straightforward with MNE, but I am
> running into issues that I cannot find a simple solution to. I am hoping
> someone here will be able to help me out!
> I have around 30 datasets with 64 channel spontaneous EEG recordings which
> I want to preprocess using MNE. Due to the analysis I am doing, I needed to
> epoch the data, and I would to mark (and reject) bad channels and epochs
> before further analysis. I would also need to save the number of bad
> channels and epochs for stats later on.
> That's it! All I need is to do is some basic filtering and re-referencing
> (visualization), mark bad channels and epochs, save the number of bad
> channels and epochs, and then move on to the next data set.
> Here is my current script (it is within a loop that iterates over all raw
> datasets):
> # load data
> data = raw.load_data()
> # resample
> new_sampling = 1000
> data.load_data()
> data.resample(new_sampling, npad='auto')
> # filter (first high- then low-pass; notch-filter?)
> l_cut, h_cut = 1, 80
> data.filter(l_freq=l_cut, h_freq=h_cut)
> # plotting data to select bad channels
> data.plot(duration=20,n_channels=60,scalings=dict(eeg=100e-6),block=False)
> # blocking doesnt work here
> # to avoid this part running before the bad channels are selected
> #input("Press Enter when you are done selecting bad channels...")
> #time.sleep(5)
> bad_channels.append(data.info['bads'])
> n_bad_channels.append(len(data.info['bads']))
> # interpolate channels (spherical spline method recommended)
> data = data.interpolate_bads(reset_bads=True) # for presentation of bad
> channels change to False
> # re-reference to average
> data.set_eeg_reference('average', projection=False) # you might want to go
> with True
> # 6. remove bad channels (or do not remove but track them)
> data = epoch_data(data, 5.) # this is a function for making events and
> epoching (it works)
> # plot data to pick bad epochs
> n_epochs_before = data.get_data().shape[0]
> data.plot(n_epochs=3,n_channels=60,scalings=dict(eeg=150e-6),block=True)
> n_bad_epochs.append(n_epochs_before - data.get_data().shape[0])
> This does not work, however, because the "block=True" input to the plot
> function crashes my Python (running on Anaconda, Spyder 3.7, in Windows
> 10). In other words, the script just keeps running while my plot is open,
> meaning that anything I do while the plot is open (rejecting channels or
> trials) will be rendered useless. E.g. the rereferencing to average
> reference happens with bad channels still in the data, the n_bad_channels
> will always be zero (because it gets stored before I can mark bad
> channels), and so on.
> Does anyone know away to make the "block" parameter work with
> python3/anaconda/spyder/windows10? Or perhaps you have a clever workaround
> for making the script wait until the figure closes (time.sleep, and waiting
> for buttonpress does not work)
> Hope this made sense, and that someone has a solution to offer.
> Best,
> Bjørn
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