[Mne_analysis] Could not load any valid 3D backend (Mayavi or PyVista) while using MNE-Python

Kadwani, Manorama MKADWANI at mgh.harvard.edu
Mon Jun 8 21:13:01 EDT 2020
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I want to plot source estimates on an inflated brain surface and I am using a Linux terminal. I ran into a RuntimeError: Could not load any valid 3D backend: ['mayavi', 'pyvista']. To enable the Qt matplotlib backend, I opened IPython terminal using:

 $ ipython --matplotlib=qt

as mentioned in the link:  https://mne.tools/stable/install/advanced.html. I also installed PyVista and Mayavi.
Is there anything else I need to do to be able to load the backend in Python?

Manorama Kadwani
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