[Mne_analysis] Memory Error

Diptyajit Das bmedasdiptyajit at gmail.com
Thu Jun 25 15:03:19 EDT 2020
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Dear MNE users,

I am trying to do something similar that has been done in this example:

Except, I would like to compute my forward and Inverse operator with free
orientation instead of being fixed or perpendicular to the cortical
surface. However, I am getting this following error once I try to compute
it. Is there any workaround to skip this memory error??


*Error: *

*Traceback (most recent call last):  File
"/media/diptyajit/Elements/Pycharm_Aud_Cog/plot_psf_ctf_vertices.py", line
53, in <module>    snr = 3.0  File "<decorator-gen-313>", line 21, in
make_inverse_resolution_matrix  File
line 60, in make_inverse_resolution_matrix    resmat =
invmat.dot(leadfield)MemoryError: Unable to allocate array with shape
(56310, 56310) and data type float64*
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