[Mne_analysis] Uninstall all the older versions of MNE and its dependencies

Brunner, Clemens (clemens.brunner@uni-graz.at) clemens.brunner at uni-graz.at
Wed Oct 14 06:54:52 EDT 2020
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You can list outdated packages with:

pip list -o

Then you can update each outdated package separately using

pip install -U <package>

(replacing <package> with the package name)

AFAIK there is no option to reliably remove a package including its dependencies; it is not even possible to update all outdated packages in one go.


> On 14.10.2020, at 10:52, Harish Gunasekaran <ngharish18 at gmail.com> wrote:
>         External Email - Use Caution        
> Hello MNE users/developers,
> Could someone of you guide me on how to remove the older version of  MNE along with older dependencies too in one-shot? I tried using the << pip auto-remove mne -y>> rather than << pip uninstall mne >> , but it's not working. 
> The drawback with <<pip uninstall mne>> it doesn't remove the MNE dependencies. Thus when I try to install newer MNE 0.21.0 using <<pip install mne>>, the older dependencies are not getting replaced by the latest versions of dependencies.  And I'm a bit skeptical, that the latest MNE might use the latest versions of the dependencies. 
> Thank you in advance for your help.
> Best,
> Harish
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Harish Gunasekaran,
> NUMERICS Ph.D. fellow under Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (2019-22),
> Cognition & Brain Dynamics team, Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit (UNICOG), 
> NeuroSpin, CEA/DRF/Joliot, CEA Paris Saclay, 
> Bât 145 PC 156 , Gif s/ Yvette F-91190 FRANCE.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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