[Mne_analysis] Finding nearest neighbors with 'use_tris'?

Gladia Hotan gladiach at gmail.com
Fri Apr 23 05:36:28 EDT 2021
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I have an ico-3 source space and I'm trying to get the matrix of
nearest-neighbor sources according to this:


src = mne.read_source_spaces('<subject>-ico-3-src.fif')

connectivity = spatial_tris_connectivity(src[0]['use_tris'])

Gives me this error:

Cannot compute connectivity on a selection of triangles

However, if I use src[0]['tris'], that's the full source space instead of ico-3.

How can I get the nearest neighbors matrix for ico-3 based on a src object?

Also, I'm using MNE 0.20.7. The function 'spatial_tris_connectivity'
seems to be gone in the latest

stable MNE (0.22.1). Is there an updated way of getting the nearest
neighbors matrix?

Thanks and Best Regards,

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