[Mne_analysis] Multitaper Beamformer (DICS)

Yuki yfujishima1001 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 13 02:21:41 EDT 2021
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Hello MNE team,

Thank you always for your great work and support.

I would like to ask you about conducting multitaper time-frequency analysis
in the source domain using beamformer (DICS). From my understanding, in
mne.time_frequency.csd_multitaper, one specifies fmin & fmax, and the
function computes the CSD at frequencies obtained from
scipy.fft.rfftfreq(n_times, sample_frequency) that are between fmin and

On the other hand, in mne.time_freuqency.tfr_multitaper, one can put any
frequencies at which they want to compute multitaper analysis.

What is the difference between csd_multitaper and tfr_multitaper in terms
of performing multitaper analysis? I assume that the power spectrum by DFT
will be computed at the frequencies obtained from scipy.fft.rfftfreq with a
given number of time points and sample frequency. I used tfr_multitaper by
sliding a fixed time window (0.3 s) across time points at each frequency
bin I specified (from 4Hz to 98Hz with 3/4 octave frequency smoothing) to
analyze at the sensor domain, and I wish to do something similar in the
source domain. I would appreciate if you could give me some advice.


Yuki Fujishima, M.D.
Junior Resident
Kyushu University Hospital
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