[Mne_analysis] MNE-Python 1.1 released

Dan McCloy dan at mccloy.info
Wed Aug 3 16:08:43 EDT 2022
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Today we released MNE-Python version 1.1.0! It is available now on PyPI and conda-forge.

There were 49 contributors to this release, including 23 new contributors: Adeline Fecker, Alessandro Tonin, Alex Ciok, Archit Singhal, Ashley Drew, Ben Beasley, Carina Forster, Frederik D. Weber, Hamid Maymandi, Ilias Machairas, Jordan Drew, Lukas Gemein, Matt Courtemanche, Matthias Dold, Matti Toivonen, Michiru Kaneda, Mingjian He, Naveen Srinivasan, Reza Nasri, Scott Huberty, Sondre Foslien, T. Wang, and Tziona NessAiver. Welcome and thanks!

Notable API changes:

- When creating BEM surfaces via `mne.bem.make_watershed_bem` and `mne.bem.make_flash_bem`, the `copy` parameter now defaults to `True`.

- In `mne.bem.convert_flash_mris` the `convert` parameter is now deprecated and the `flash5` and `flash30` params now accept list of file names or nibabel images.

- The ordering of channels returned by `mne.io.read_raw_nirx` is now ordered by channel name, rather than the order provided by the manufacturer.

- New interpolation options 'linear' and 'nearest' (previously was always 'cubic') for many of our topomap functions, passed as the `image_interp` parameter.

- The various `.to_data_frame()` methods all now have default `time_format=None` (keep time in seconds) instead of `time_format='ms'`.

- `mne.Evoked.decimate` is now consistent with `mne.Epochs.decimate` in aligning to the sample at time=0 (so that the exact sample when the event occurred is preserved).

Please see the online changelog for full details: https://secure-web.cisco.com/1Ppe3THvwIfpNVCa8JKlKdkbb4bkYoB-LAzgea6aNCQVOwrL0IglZdrgrQMqFSHxg8Y1wLs74C2WXBK6h0xwTEf5-AzzNGX-DxaxYWJQiexSl5gNOnxOnQBOkTeZEZFaMQdXPUZGpWIUIQrmTbdEvV1opBAEhP6dh41onIIChfHYLcqMPHo2JqO12KblIWie_nw3NZSv9jNbUekGm8aWMVm1IrLRKmY0WEjF-2a6Z-T49506YoPMDVHyPHBCd3V_sTZY8YkWwqZNbDjmzTU-TFexJMiK0CjlFnOsLSuCDcxLG81o8Zs7jUqtZTvVofUCwrCqCE83iiiU7Mbmwb1UpJw/https%3A%2F%2Fmne.tools%2Fstable%2Fwhats_new.html%23version-1-1-0-2022-08-03

See you on GitHub!

-- dan
Daniel McCloy
Research Scientist
Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences
University of Washington

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