[Mne_analysis] 4D neuroimaging data?

Karin Westin karin.westin85 at gmail.com
Sun May 8 03:42:51 EDT 2022
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 Dear all,

I have recently received some 4D neuroimaging MEG data from a different lab
(I have previously only worked with Elekta systems so no previous
experience of this data format). I’m trying to simply read the raw data

(raw = mne.io.read_raw_bti(pdf_fname=pdf_fname, config_fname=config_fname,

head_shape_fname=head_shape_fname, verbose=True)

but this throws the error

TypeError: Bad info: info["chs"][281]["loc"] must be ndarray with 12
elements, got None

I can’t manage to retrieve any other information about the raw data so I
can’t really figure out if there is something wrong with the data file I
got, or whether it’s something I can fix myself. I would be very happy for
any input!


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