[Mne_analysis] Cluster-based permutation test with correlation

Xia Tao psytao18 at connect.hku.hk
Mon Feb 6 06:00:05 EST 2023
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Dear MNE users,

I am trying to explore the relationship between my behavioral outcome and sigma power at all time points. I attempted to conduct a permutation cluster test using Pearson correlation as my statistic, but I encountered an error: TypeError: No loop matching the specified signature and casting was found for ufunc add.

If anyone has encountered this issue and knows how to resolve it, I would greatly appreciate your help.

Here is the code and error in detail:

def statistic(x, y):
    return pearsonr(x, y).statistic

c_obs, clusters_c, cluster_p_values, H0 = \
    permutation_cluster_test([sigma,behavioral],tail=0,threshold=0.05,stat_fun=statistic,n_jobs=-1,n_permutations=1000)#competition vs noncompetition

Thank you,

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