function [ values, times, vertices ] = mne_label_time_courses(labelfile,stcfile) % % function [ values, times ] = mne_label_time_courses(labelfile,stcfile) % % Extract the time courses corresponding to a label file from an stc file % % labelfile - The name of the label file % stcfile - The name of the stc file (must be on the same subject and % hemisphere as the stc file % % values - The time courses % times - The time points % vertices - The vertices corresponding to the time points % % % % Copyright 2009 % % Matti Hamalainen % Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging % Massachusetts General Hospital % Charlestown, MA, USA % % No part of this program may be photocopied, reproduced, % or translated to another program language without the % prior written consent of the author. % % $Id: mne_label_time_courses.m 2778 2009-09-29 02:09:24Z msh $ % % me='MNE:mne_label_time_courses'; if nargin ~= 2 error(me,'Incorrect number of arguments'); end try stc = mne_read_stc_file(stcfile); catch error(me,'%s',mne_omit_first_line(lasterr)); end try lab = mne_read_label_file(labelfile); catch error(me,'%s',mne_omit_first_line(lasterr)); end [vertices,ia,ib] = intersect(double(stc.vertices),double(lab.vertices)); if length(vertices) == 0 error(me,'No vertices match the label in the stc file'); end values =,:); times = zeros(1,size(,2)); for k = 0:length(times)-1 times(k+1) = stc.tmin + k*stc.tstep; end end