[Homer-users] Homer II Questions

David Boas dboas at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Fri Oct 12 09:51:47 EDT 2012
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Dear Rachel,

I may not have enough information to answer your questions.

Your first question is about stim marks (or stim condition names/labels) 
across different files in a folder. If the same label is used for stim 
marks in different files, even if in different orders, then those trials 
will be averaged together in the group average. I think this answers 
your question. Through the stimGUI, you can change the labels for 
different stim marks. Maybe this is the piece of information that is 
missing for you. If you load the nirs files, I believe there is a 
variable called CondName that will tell you the order of the stim 
conditions in the s matrix and the order of the results in the procResult.

For your second question, it sounds like you want to look at group 
results. Within the GUI, there are radio buttons for choosing whether 
you look at the results for a run, a session, or a group. If you choose 
run, you will only see results for that run, etc.

But your questions also indicate that you are looking at the variable 
procResult that appears in the NIRS files and in the groupResults.mat 
file. The procResult in the NIRS files will only have the results for 
each corresponding file. To observe the session and group results, you 
need to load groupResult.mat into matlab. This is not a Microsoft Access 
File. This is a matlab file, just like the nirs files. groupResults 
contains a structure called group, which has a field group. procResult 
which has the group results for you.

I hope this helps.


On 10/10/12 2:48 PM, Rachel Mulheren wrote:
> To clarify my second questions, I am also getting the same results 
> when I run an individual file and when I run a series of files as 
> Group or Session. Should the processed data be in the procResult.dcAvg 
> portion of the file for Group runs as well as individual runs? I 
> noticed a Group Results file that was created in the NIRs folder, but 
> it seems to be an empty Microsoft Access file. I also noticed no 
> change in processed results when I use the Group Average box in the 
> main Homer II window, so I'm not sure how this manipulates data (not 
> menionted in the Homer II manual). If there is no way to average 
> across files, as I thought the Session and Group options would, is 
> there a way to combine .nirs data files?
> Thanks for any input.
> On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 5:36 PM, Mulheren, Rachel Whitney - mulherrw 
> <mulherrw at dukes.jmu.edu <mailto:mulherrw at dukes.jmu.edu>> wrote:
>     I have 2 questions concerning Homer II:
>     1). I know that the data is arranged by stim marker in the order
>     in which the stim markers were entered into Homer; however, is
>     this order by file or by folder? For example, the first file/run
>     has the stim markers entered in the order: "A", "B", "C". The
>     second file/run has the stim makers entered in the order "D" and
>     "B." Would the processed data for the second file list "D first,
>     because it was the first stim marker added for that run/file, or
>     would the data for "B" be listed first because it was entered in
>     the _set_ of files before "D"?
>     2). Is there any way to process data cumulatively across files
>     within the same session? When I ran the previously mentioned first
>     and second files with 2 additional files (named according to Homer
>     manual convention) as "Group", the data for the shared stim
>     markers ("B") was different for each file. If Homer had processed
>     across files, I would expect that the results for shared stim
>     markers across files would be the same.
>     Thanks,
>     Rachel
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