[Homer-users] exporting data

Erin Solovey erinsol at mit.edu
Sat Mar 16 22:18:55 EDT 2013
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I have a couple of questions about exporting the data from Homer2.

1) I am wondering what data is exported exactly. Are we getting the
mean across all timepoints (from tMin to tMax?), and across all runs,
and across the entire group? How are tMin and tMax used? What is
indicated by the "Passed Inclusion Criteria"? I would just like
clarification so that I know how to interpret these numbers.

2) When I actually try "Export Mean Results", I am getting an error
"Reference to non-existent field 'MeasList'." Any thoughts? Is anyone
else getting this error? I am using the developer's version and I have
it up-to-date with the latest files. It seems like
hmr.group.procInput.SD is null. Is there something that needs to be
done before exporting the data? Here's the full error:
Reference to non-existent field 'MeasList'.

Error in ExportHRFMean>writeMeanResponce (line 111)
nCh = length(find(SD.MeasList(:,4)==1));

Error in ExportHRFMean (line 38)

Error in EasyNIRS>menuExportMeanResults_Callback (line 1590)
    dcAvgMeanAll =

Error in gui_mainfcn (line 96)

Error in EasyNIRS (line 43)
    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});

Error in

Error while evaluating uimenu Callback

Humans and Automation Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139

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