[Homer-users] short separation and state switching

Moulton, Theresa (NIH/CC/RMD) [F] theresa.moulton at nih.gov
Wed May 15 12:14:57 EDT 2013
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Hi Homer users,

We have been trying to employ some of the functions in Homer2 discussed in the recent online training, specifically the short separation implementation of the group average (hmrDeonvTB_SSrd_Highest, shown in the processing stream as Block_Avg_Short_Sep_Highest). I'm wondering about the units... we used mm to define our SD probe, based on the recommendations for conversion to MNI coordinates. The rhoSD_ssThresh variable is asked for in cm, but the SD variable says that it should be consistent with rhoSD_ssThresh. So, would it be preferable to input the rhoSD_ssThres in mm in the processing stream, or re-format the SD structure to be in cm? Looking at the m-file, it seems ok to input the threshold in mm, but wanted to make sure we weren't missing something.

Also, does anyone happen to use the state switching features in the CW6 NIRS machine? We've been experimenting with it, and have done the processing for interpolating the "off" states for each channel prior to putting the data into Homer. Wanted to make sure we weren't missing a feature of Homer that does this automatically. Any words of caution or advice regarding this feature of the CW6?


Theresa Sukal Moulton, DPT, PhD
Post-doctoral Fellow
Functional & Applied Biomechanics Section
Rehabilitation Medicine Department
National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
10 Center Drive, Room 1-1425

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