[Homer-users] NIRx2nirs

Ujwal Chaudhary uchau001 at fiu.edu
Wed Jul 30 07:16:17 EDT 2014
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Dear Homer2 users,

I am using NIRsport device to collect NIRS data and I want to use Homer 2
to process the collected data. So to do this I first downloaded the
NIRx2nirs script, made my source detector geometry using SDgui module and
then executed the NIRx2nirs script by providing in the NIRX data folder and
constructed SD file as the input. After the execution of script I saved the
converted .nirs file and then tried opening it with Homer2.

Now this is the step where I am facing the problem, as soon as I click on
the Homer2 executable file it gives me errors saying, " filename.nirs: 1)
Error: Invalid data matrix (d). 2) Error: SD has invalid MeasList". So I
went back and compared the provided sample .nirs file with my converted
.nirs file and I found that indeed the MeasList was empty and the structure
of the converted .nirs file was not same as the provided sample .nirs file.

Has anyone encountered this problem, any help with issue is deeply

Thanks and Regards,
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