[Homer-users] Question on hmrMotionCorrectWavelet.

Takayuki Nozawa nozawa at idac.tohoku.ac.jp
Fri Mar 20 06:39:46 EDT 2015
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Dear Homer2 experts,

Thank you for sharing the great toolbox.
I have a question about the Wavelet motion correction function,
hmrMotionCorrectWavelet.m and WaveletAnalysis.m.

Comparing the code with the original paper
Molavi et al.,Physiol Meas, 33, 259-270 (2012),
I deduced that the interquartile multi factor iqr would basically
correspond to the outlier threshold alpha in Molavi2012 by
2 * (1 - pnorm(0.75*iqr)) = alpha,
with pnorm(q) being the normal cumulative distribution function.
Am i correct on this?

Confirmation or correction would be much appreciated!


Takayuki Nozawa
Assistant Professor, Smart Ageing International Research Center
Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer (IDAC), Tohoku University
nozawa at idac.tohoku.ac.jp

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