[Homer-users] Error in using create_HeadVox.m

jdubb at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu jdubb at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Wed Feb 10 13:20:56 EST 2016
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Hi Maheen,
I'm not clear about this issue.

I couldn't find a script called create_HeadVox.m
under Homer2. Where is this script supposed to be in the
Homer2 folder structure?

Are you trying to convert Freesurfer files to AtlasViewer?
If so I'll need more info on what Freesurfer files you have
in your subject folder.


> Dear Homer Users,
> I am trying to use the "create_HeadVox.m" script under Homer to create the
> necessary files to have an individual subject anatomy in Homer. However, I
> keep getting the following error message and I'm unsure why.
> *Error using patch*
> *Faces values must be >= 1.0*
> *Error in trisurf (line 93)*
> *h = patch('faces',trids,'vertices',[x(:) y(:)
> z(:)],'facevertexcdata',c(:),...*
> *Error in create_HeadVox (line 56)*
> *h=trisurf(fa,va(:,1),va(:,2),va(:,3),va(:,1));*
> I used the "write_surf.m" script to create the meshes in the following way:
> *write_surf('pialsurf.mesh',pialn,pialf);*
> where pialn are the nodes of the pial surface and pialf are the faces of
> the pial surface. Prior to this I had to use the "mergemesh" function in
> iso2mesh to combine the left handside and right handside individual
> surfaces that FreeSurfer creates.
> If anyone could tell me where I am going wrong I would be very grateful!
> Thanks,
> Maheen
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