[Homer-users] Error in using create_HeadVox.m

Maheen Siddiqui maheen.siddiqui91 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 10:23:53 EST 2016
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Dear Homer Users,

I am trying to use the "create_HeadVox.m" script under Homer to create the
necessary files to have an individual subject anatomy in Homer. However, I
keep getting the following error message and I'm unsure why.

*Error using patch*
*Faces values must be >= 1.0*

*Error in trisurf (line 93)*
*h = patch('faces',trids,'vertices',[x(:) y(:)

*Error in create_HeadVox (line 56)*

I used the "write_surf.m" script to create the meshes in the following way:


where pialn are the nodes of the pial surface and pialf are the faces of
the pial surface. Prior to this I had to use the "mergemesh" function in
iso2mesh to combine the left handside and right handside individual
surfaces that FreeSurfer creates.

If anyone could tell me where I am going wrong I would be very grateful!


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