[Homer-users] hmrMotionCorrectWavelet in Homer2 GUI

Srinath Sibi ssibi at stanford.edu
Wed Jun 8 19:55:11 EDT 2016
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Hello All,

     I am a new user of HOMER2 and a long time user of MATLAB. I  recently tried to use the HOMER2 GUI to process a set of *.nirs files  from a study we had run and encountered a problem while using the  motion correction algorithms. The HOMER2 GUI is able to execute all of  the hmrmotioncorrect(****) except the wavelet correction algorithm.  Every time I try to use it, I encounter the same error. The process stops midway during execution and the error message is shown below. I  also executed the same process through MATLAB using the individual  function files and encountered no error. I checked the line the error in the GUI pointed to and the line 48 in the hmrMotionCorrectWavelet refers to the 'load db2' line. How can I correct this problem? Has anyone else encountered the same problem?

I am currently using the HOMER2 version 2.1 uploaded on the 5th of February.


Error in ==> hmrMotionCorrectWavelet at 48

Error in ==> EasyNIRS>runNIRSsignalProcess at 1022

Error in ==>EasyNIRS>sessNIRSsignalProcess at 1046

Error in ==>EasyNIRS>groupNIRSsignalProcess at 1239

Error in ==>EasyNIRS>popupmenuNIRSsignalProcess_Callback at 1439

Error in ==>gui_mainfcn at 96

Error in ==>EasyNIRS at 43

Error in ==>

??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback
<End of error message>

With best regards
Srinath Sibi
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