[Homer-users] Preprocessing starting with Oxygenation

Alexandra Boldin aboldin at princeton.edu
Mon Mar 27 17:08:22 EDT 2017
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Hi all,

We’ve been analyzing some data from a Shimadzu LABNIRS machine and are in
the process of deciding on the best preprocessing pipeline. We’ve used
HomER in the past (with data from Hitachi systems) and would love to
continue using a similar pipeline. However, we only get oxygenation data
from our system and Homer uses raw absorption data. We're able to modify
the functions that we need to work with our data, but we were wondering if
there's any reason not to do the filtering and other processing on data
after it's converted to oxygenation? Is there a benefit to doing
preprocessing on raw optical density data or should the results be the same
if we start with oxygenation instead?

Thanks for your help!

- Alex
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