[Homer-users] baseline/ hmrBlockavg

Paulo Pelicioni p.pelicioni at neura.edu.au
Thu Nov 2 03:15:24 EDT 2017
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Dear all Homer2 users. 

I have a very specific question about the baseline during the block average function: 

I have assessed 6 different experimental conditions that each one last about 30s. For each condition, I have collected 30s baseline as well before each of these experimental conditions that I have. 
I know that I need to set tmin and tmax in the block average function, to consider this "-" value as the baseline in comparison with the experimental time (eg -30 30). 
However, I set my baseline condition not immediately before my experimental condition. For example, the participants had 30s baseline, the instruction of one of the experimental conditions and then, I started recording this condition. If i set my tmin and tmax as -30 30, I do not set my baseline, I set previous 30s that are not my real baseline, and I assume that it would not be my correct baseline. 
Do you know any way to use my 30s baselines, that do not necessarily were set prior to each of my 6 experimental conditions? I hope I was clear enough about my protocol. 

I appreciate any help. 

Kind Regards, 

Paulo Henrique Silva Pelicioni 
PhD Candidate 
Falls, Balance and Injury Research Centre 

Neuroscience Research Australia 
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