[Homer-users] hmrBlockAvg function

Bell, Laura lbell at ukaachen.de
Thu Oct 26 09:09:58 EDT 2017
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Dear all,

I have a question that might be very stupid to ask, however, I did not find a straightforward answer to it anywhere.
When using the hmrBlockAvg function provided in Homer2, do I only average my blocks (e.g. I have two different conditions and then does it only average those blocks separately per channel) or do I also correct with the baseline. Hence does my outputfile already contain contrasts of condition against baseline? I guess the latter is the case because I cannot access the average of the baseline activation to calculate the condition-baseline contrast myself so that means the time vector before the block starts that I enter in the hmrBlockAvg function provides the input for the contrast condition vs baseline.
I would really appreciate your help to get more clarification to know whether my intuition is correct.

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