[Homer-users] AtlasViewer Subject Specific MRI label error

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Thu Aug 2 15:32:36 EDT 2018
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Good Afternoon,

I’ve been trying to use the Subject Specific Anatomy (MRI) option in AtlasViewer but I encounter one small problem regarding the “label” option in AtlasViewer.

After segmenting the MRI using Freesurfer, I copied and past them into the subject folder and chose this folder when opening AtlasViewer. I then use the option “Import MRI Anatomy” to import the MRI. Automatically AtlasViewer puts the following:

Head: …T1.mgz

Skull: nothing

Dura: nothing

CSF: …brain.mgz

Brain: …aseg.mgz

White matter: …wm.mgz

Right brain surface: … rh.pial

Left brain surface: …lh.pial

However, once AtlasViewer finished importing the subject MRI, the option “labels” (as well as “Chose label colour map” and “Display MNI Projection”) either are not enabling or do not function.

I tried replacing aseg.mgz with aparc+aseg.mgz as well as replacing wm.mgz with wmparc.mgz and still the “labels”option are not enabled.

If someone can help on how to have the labels enabled using subject specific MRI in AtlasViewer, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,



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