[Homer-users] Source and detectors coordinates with AtlasViewer

Mariagrazia Popeo mariagrazia.popeo at unitn.it
Tue Jun 5 05:31:41 EDT 2018
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Dear Homer Users,

I am trying to use AtlasViewer with Neonatal Head Model in Homer2 (version
2.3). After many attempts, I succeded in registering my probe on the 44th
week of the Atlas. The final aim is to obtain sources and detectors
coordinates onto the scalp in order to manually run Montecarlo photon
simulation (using MMC).

Saving registered probe, AtlasViewer produced a .txt file which included
sources, detectors, dummy optodes and reference points coordinates. As I
tried to use the coordinates  to run the MMC in a custom written code, I
realized that reference points, given as output from AtlasViewer, did not
correspond to original ones reported in the correspondent week of the
Atlas. In this way, I was not able to correctly map the probe onto the
scalp. Why does this happens? Could I have used the coordinates in a wrong

Thanks in advance for any responses!

Mariagrazia Popeo
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