[Mne_analysis] A question which is about how to minus two conditions in freesurfer
Hari M Bharadwaj
hari at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Thu Mar 17 15:56:44 EDT 2011
mne_average_estimates (which is documented in the manual) should also
be useful for algebraic manipulations on a set of stc files.
On Thu, 2011-03-17 at 15:27 -0400, Alexandre Gramfort wrote:
> Hi,
> > these days , i use freesurfer and mne to analyze my MEG data
> > but now , i have a problem as follow :
> > 1.how can I minus two conditions , cus I wanna see the difference between
> > two conditions? EX: (deviant condition - standard condition)
> what is your setup? you want to compare within one subject? in a group
> of subjects?
> if it's just one subject, an easy solution consists in loading the STC
> files for
> both conditions in matlab, then do the difference and save the output
> in a new stc file that you can visualize with mne_analyse. If you want to do
> statistics that's a bit more complicated.
> hope this helps
> Alex
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