[Mne_analysis] sLORETA

Alexandre Gramfort gramfort at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Thu Sep 1 11:58:12 EDT 2011
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> Yes.. the sLORETA solution scales the MNE by a factor that depends on SNR
> at each vertex. Thus it supresses noisy vertices a little. The MNE is the
> unscaled version which is in current units (say nano Amps) and hence you
> can compare the left and right directly in a physiological sense.

that can be problematic as MNE amplitudes are biased by the number of
dipoles with the same forward field. Comparing MNE in one location between
conditions is ok but comparing raw MNE between 2 brain regions is a problem.

I would really do a z-score if it's any better than raw dSPM or sLORETA.


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