[Mne_analysis] Error using mne_average_estimates

Stephen Politzer-Ahles politzerahless at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 14:30:14 EDT 2012
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I'm encountering an error running mne_average_estimates. The program
successfully loads all my stc files and sets up the time scale, but then I

Temporal resampling...
/<path to my data>/subj001_ave-lh.stc .. LH .. [failed]

Before running mne_average_estimates, I had first created an average brain
in Freesurfer (make_average_subject), then created morph maps from each
subject to the average brain (mne_make_morph_maps --from <subject> --to
average), then for each subject did current estimates using mne_make_movie
with "--morph average" specified, so for each subject I have both
<subject>-lh.stc. and <subject>-rh.stc. For mne_average_estimates, my
description file looks like this:

stc /<path_to_my_data>/subj001_ave-lh.stc
stc /<path_to_my_data>/subj001_ave-rh.stc
stc /<path_to_my_data>/subj002_ave-lh.stc
stc /<path_to_my_data>/subj002_ave-rh.stc
stc /<path_to_my_data>/subj003_ave-lh.stc
deststc /<path_to_my_data>/averagestc

(I also tried the same thing but without including the "-lh.stc" and
"-rh.stc" in my description file, but I got the same error.)

Any suggestions or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very
Steve Politzer-Ahles

Stephen Politzer-Ahles
University of Kansas
Linguistics Department
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