[Mne_analysis] "Value too large to be stored in data type" when running mne_mark_bad_channels in tcsh

Stephen Politzer-Ahles spa268 at nyu.edu
Sun Nov 24 15:33:39 EST 2013
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To whom it may concern:

When I try to run mne_mark_bad_channels in tcsh on a raw .fif file (about
3.25 GB), I get an error like the following:

"/Volumes/data/....../A0007.fif ... [failed] fseek : Value too large to be
stored in data type"

As far as I can tell this seems to be some kind of Unix error, not
something specific to MNE...but this happens regardless of which drive I
happen to be trying to modify data on, and also other functions that also
need to open the data (such as mne_process_raw) work fine, so I don't think
it's necessarily a permission or filesystem issue. Does anyone have any
idea what might be causing this?

Thanks for your input,

Stephen Politzer-Ahles
New York University, Abu Dhabi
Neuroscience of Language Lab
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