[Mne_analysis] hacking mne_setup_source_space

Eric Larson larson.eric.d at gmail.com
Sat Apr 12 19:23:51 EDT 2014
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It sounds like your definition of tris might omit some of the included
vertices, in other words it's an invalid triangulation of the surface. IIRC
the patch statistics are derived using the connectivity of the surface,
which in turn is derived from the triangulation.

An alternative approach (and probably more future compatible) would be to
make it so you're source space had three or more parts: the standard two
hemispheres, plus an arbitrary volumetric grid or even surface, if you
wish. There is some primitive and lightly tested support for this in
mne-python, and some work on this might be done this summer. If you're
interested, feel free to open an issue there and we can work on it.

Another option that might work would be to not compute patch stats (no
-cps), but I would guess faking the surfaces this way will cause (more)
problems as you go, as various pieces of software may reasonably (but
incorrectly) assume hemispheres refer to the original freesufer surfaces.

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