[Mne_analysis] Issues generating functional labels for RH

Cushing, Cody CCUSHING1 at mgh.harvard.edu
Fri Mar 4 09:37:08 EST 2016
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Hi all,

I have been attempting to generate functional labels from source estimates for a data set as outlined here:  https://martinos.org/mne/stable/auto_examples/inverse/plot_label_from_stc.html#sphx-glr-auto-examples-inverse-plot-label-from-stc-py

This works beautifully for all the left hemisphere parcellations I try, but whenever I try a right hemisphere counter-part, the list of func_labels return empty, causing the below indexing error:

IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
[] in <module>()
     58 # take first as func_labels are ordered based on maximum values in stc
---> 59 func_label = func_labels[0]

IndexError: list index out of range

I have tried a couple of subjects and a variety of different parc labels.  I have played with different time windows and eventually just opened it up to the whole trial (1s).  Every lh parc label works fine, but not a single rh parc I have tried returns any functional labels from this line of code:

func_labels,_ = mne.stc_to_label(stc_mean_label, src=src, smooth=True,
                                  subjects_dir=subjects_dir, connected=True)

There is data in stc_mean_label.data.  I do not believe it could be due to a lack of right hemisphere activation because looking at the dSPM activations in mne_analyze shows just as much if not more activity in the right hemisphere for the parcellation pairs I've looked at (e.g. fusiform-rh and fusiform-lh).  The label is read fine (from the proper hemisphere), so I'm not quite sure what the problem is.  Is it possible that the empty return is a result of the module only looking in left hemisphere source space (where obviously no right hemisphere activation will be found)?

Any help is greatly appreciated and I'm happy to supply whatever additional information.  The only changes I have made from the source code are supplying in my own paths for my personal data, but I am happy to provide my code upon request.

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