[Mne_analysis] Saccade rejection by HEOG voltage

Sklar, Alfredo sklaral at upmc.edu
Wed Aug 30 08:03:16 EDT 2017
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Hi everyone
I'm running analysis on a lateralized visual attention task and would like to reject epochs based on HEOG voltage criteria (>25uV). Below is the definitions file I'm using, but would like to change the 'eogReject' argument to one that specifies the HEOG channel and ignores the VEOG channel. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

# MNE average definitions file used during processing
# with mne_process_raw. Include the option --ave [definitions file]
# to call this file during processing.

average {
name "P5_Attention"
# Output files ('outfile') only needed if no gave specified
# The log file ('logfile') is useful for debugging and
# selection of interesting events using 'eventfile'
# outfile REPLACEME.fif
# logfile REPLACEME.log
# eventfile REPLACEME.eve
# Rejection limits
# stimIgnore      10e-3
gradReject      5000e-13
# magReject       6e-12
eogReject 25e-6
eegReject 100e-6
# ecgReject 10e-3

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