[Mne_analysis] Spectral Analysis, " Vector Surface Source Estimates " MNE - GUI.

Harikrishnan Purushothaman uthamanhp at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 15 06:15:57 EDT 2017
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Dear MNE Users,
        I, Dr. Purushothaman introduce as " CELL Chemical Histologist " involved in BRAIN
                                                             " CytoChem-2017  "                                                         
               " Cell Material " Analytical and Conceptual  Research in MEG with MNE.               
PROTEIN - BioMarker in " CELL Membrane of HIPPOCAMPUS " - Power Spectral                  
Functional roll.                                                                                                                               
                  TEMPORAL imaging for Spectral ( materials ) DATA , Molecular formula of          
" CYTOKINES " Protein of  Hippocampus. in Limbic System. Ref. Attached Image.                           
                  Using HPI - Head Position Indicator , Vector view Coils.                                       
          Note : " Non-Spatial task ". without EEG, MRI ( FreeSurfer ) MATLAB ( using.                
Vector Matrix ).                                                                                                                               
             SPECTRAL ANALYSIS - EVOKED data and WAVELET - amplitude & phase , to     
View in HISTOGRAM of MNE - Graphical User Interface.
         Measure with Magnetic Vector SENSORS of SQUID in MEG.                                         
       I, use only MNE - GUI , not much knowledge in Python Script. Need guidance in the
following ........
                     " Computation of VECTOR SURFACE SOURCE ESTIMATES "     
                Class : mne. 'VectorSpaceEstimate' object                                                           
                            source_estimate.import(VectorSourceEstimate, spectral_connectivity)                                      
                             pick_ori= ' vectors'                                                                


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