[Mne_analysis] Epoching as interval between two events

d p aglasis at gmail.com
Wed Nov 22 07:16:15 EST 2017
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Hi all,

I have a question about epoching: Is it possible to define an epoch as the
interval between two events? (rather than the interval between tmin and
tmax around an event). I am currently working on analising data from an
experiment where a "trial" includes different (but related) events. Each of
these events within a trial have different predefined codes, including
"Trial start" and "Trial end" codes. In my specific case, the main
inconvenience with the standard tmin-to-tmax approach is that there is a
great deal of variation in the trial duration, so defining a single
standard time-window for epoching risks either including too much unrelated
noise or even data from the next trial if the window is too long, or
cutting off events in some trials if it is too short.

I have been trying to figure out if this is possible from the
documentation, but I could not find anything in the website.
Many thanks in advance for any suggestions
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