[Mne_analysis] maxwell filtering 4D-neuroimaging/BTi data

Maria Hakonen maria.hakonen at gmail.com
Mon Dec 3 02:20:20 EST 2018
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Dear MNE experts,

I tried to maxwell filter meg data collected with 4D-neuroimaging/BTi
system as follows:
raw_tsss = mne.preprocessing.maxwell_filter(raw, st_only=True,

raw_sss = mne.preprocessing.maxwell_filter(raw, st_only=False,

However, the data looks very noisy after filtering:

Original data:
[image: original.png]
sss filtered data:
[image: maxfiltered_SSS.png]
tsss filtered data (left) and original data (right):
[image: original_vs_maxfiltered.png]

I wonder if anyone knows what could be wrong?
Is it a problem if there are discontinuities in the data (all data is not
collected on the same day).

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