[Mne_analysis] Question

Brunner, Clemens (clemens.brunner@uni-graz.at) clemens.brunner at uni-graz.at
Wed Dec 5 11:25:08 EST 2018
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MNE does support .eeg files created with a BrainProducts amplifier (mne.io.read_raw_brainvision). However, if you have a different amplifier, converting to .edf seems like a good idea.

Regarding developing a real-time BCI, MNE only supports offline analysis. You might want to check out https://github.com/sccn/labstreaminglayer, which you can use to stream data across a network (there are Python bindings available). You could then build a signal processing pipeline using custom Python code (you could of course use scikit-learn for machine learning and scipy for signal processing, I think they support online applications).


> On 05.12.2018, at 17:01, Manoj Kovvuru <manoj.kovvuru at gmail.com> wrote:
>        External Email - Use Caution        
> Hello MNE!
> I am working on EEG based Brain Computer Interface and using MNE as
> analysis tool. The EEG recording device which I am using saves the
> recordings in eeg format. I convert it to edf format before loading to
> python as MNE doesn't support eeg format. I want to make a real time
> BCI using python language. Is there any way such that I can acquire
> raw EEG signal in python and real time BCI developed using MNE? Please
> help me regarding this as I feel completely lost.
> Regards
> Manoj Kovvuru
> M.Tech in Robotics
> IIEST Shibpur
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