[Mne_analysis] Repeated measures ANOVA on source data with spatio-temporal clustering on epochs from Mat files

SPAGNA Alfredo alfredo.spagna at icm-institute.org
Mon Dec 24 09:08:15 EST 2018
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Hello everyone;
I am quite new to MNE, since I have used field trip + brainstorm to conduct most of the analysis I’ld done before.

Now, I’d like to use the repeated measures ANOVA tutorial but starting from .mat files instead of the raw fit file;
This is because I already conducted all the pre-processing using field trip and brainstorm, and have already have epochs files per each condition and subject.

Has anybody already done that? Any advice?
I am slowly finding my way through the code, but I am not sure whether there is already some material out there that could shortcut the process or, even worse, some advice like “no, that’s not possible to do it”.

Thanks, and happy holidays y’all!
Alfredo Spagna, Ph. D.
alfredo.spagna at icm-institute.org<mailto:alfredo.spagna at icm-institute.org>
PICNIC Lab @ Institut du Cerveau
et de la Moelle épinière
Inserm U 1127, Paris, France

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