[Mne_analysis] load digitization electrodes

Edoardo Pinzuti edoardo.pinzuti at gmail.com
Mon Feb 12 08:50:06 EST 2018
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Dear everyone,

I have a problem in loading the digitization of electrode in the epochs

I created the epochs
info = create_info(chan_names, sfreq, chan_types )
epochs = EpochsArray(data, info, events=None, tmin=np.min(time),

digitization = read_dig_montage(hsp=positions.copy(), elp=positions.copy(),
point_names=labels, unit='mm')

when I tried to plot:
I got this error: RuntimeError: Did not find any digitization points of
kind FIFFV_POINT_EEG (3) in the info.

How I can solve this?

Thanks a lot

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