[Mne_analysis] Maxfilter and PCA-mag-v# projections

Eric Larson larson.eric.d at gmail.com
Wed Jul 17 09:16:48 EDT 2019
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> Is there a way to keep using the PCA projections, but still make use of
> maxfilter to "move" the head position?

No not currently. You could maybe hack it together by creating a RawArray
with your give `meas_info` and data with three "time points" that are your
PCA vectors.

> What would happen is I first applied the projections and then started
> doing maxfilter?

maxwell_filter should complain if you try to do this. It would cause a
mismatch between the multipole moment forward model and data. In theory we
might be able to compensate for this (e.g., by applying the projectors to
the multipole moment model) but this has not been implemented or tested.

> Or is there a way to re-compute the PCA projections from empty room data
> after maxfiltering?

Typically what people tend to do is process the empty room data the same
way that the subject's data is processed (same translation, tSSS params,
etc.) for example for computing an empty-room noise covariance. In theory
you could instead (or additionally) compute the projection vectors from it.

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