[Mne_analysis] Filter settings

Eric Larson larson.eric.d at gmail.com
Wed May 8 11:44:03 EDT 2019
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> A question by the reviewer now is how this filter affected the temporal
> resolution of the eeg signal. My understanding of filtering is very basic,
> but I believe in addition to the order of the filter this  is largely
> determined by both the frequency band of interest and the transition
> bandwiths.

The idea of a transition band (which separates the pass-band and stop-band)
is only used for FIR filtering in MNE. IIR filters can be defined /
reproduced just by specifying the filter type (low-pass, high-pass,
band-pass, or band-stop), cutoff frequency(ies), order, and topology
(Bessel, Butterworth, Chebychev w/params, etc.). For you this could write
something like "we used a 5th order Butterworth band-pass filter with
cutoff frequencies of 8 and 12 Hz".

Regarding the resulting temporal resolution, this will relate to both your
filter characteristics / fall-off, and the width of your pass-band (here, 4
Hz). The more narrow the pass-band and sharper the filter falloff, the
worse the resulting temporal resolution will be (and the broader the
pass-band and shallower the filter slope, the better the resulting temporal
resolution will be).

As to how best characterize these things for your reviewer, I'm not sure
offhand. I can recommend these two articles as likely places where
best-practices for reporting could give some hints:


Let us know if you find something useful in them!

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