[Mne_analysis] Problems using MNE on Martinos computer
Mainak Jas
mainakjas at gmail.com
Wed May 15 14:25:44 EDT 2019
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Gladia,
You can drop by my office in South Central for MNE related questions /
On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 10:00 AM Gladia Hotan <gladiach at gmail.com> wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Hi,
> I'm encountering some problems using MNE on a Martinos computer, and I
> also have some questions about how to install/upgrade programs on Martinos
> computers in general and how to manage space used by my account. I wasn't
> sure if I should ask the Martinos IT help desk or the MNE help forum, so I
> have included both in this email; sorry for any unintentional spam.
> *1. MNE issues*
> I am trying to use the stable MNE version on the Martinos cluster.
> However, I get this error
> <https://www.dropbox.com/s/wlw2jxdese6nd23/import_mne_error_20190515.docx?dl=0>
> when I try to set up the environment and import MNE. How can I troubleshoot
> this?
> Previously I used "pip install --upgrade --user" to install/upgrade the
> development version of MNE in my own folder. It worked at first but failed
> after I upgraded to pip 10. This workaround for pip 10 used to work:
> from pip._internal import main as pipmain
> pipmain(['install','--upgrade','--user','mne'])
> But it no longer works.
> My version of MNE in my user folder has now stopped working. I'm not sure
> why, but I think I did delete my ".PyCharmCE2017.2" folder and several
> other hidden folders just before it stopped working because my account was
> out of space, so I'm wondering if this could have been the cause? Both
> Pycharm and ipython are not able to import MNE anymore.
> *2. Installing/updating programs on Martinos computers and managing space*
> In general, what's the best way to install/update MNE and other programs
> on the Martinos computers, given that write access is restricted and there
> is limited scratch space on the computers?
> Also, what's the best way to clear up space when my user quota is nearly
> reached? So far I have been doing:
> - cd && du –skh .??* * | sort --human-numeric-sort
> - to figure out which folders are using a lot of space. Usually
> it's the hidden folders ".<foldername>".
> - rm –rf <foldername>
> - To remove the large folders.
> I'm not sure if this is a good way to clear space? Would this cause
> packages to break if I use it to delete the .PyCharm folders? I had assumed
> these folders were just cached files that could be cleared.
> Thanks and Best Regards,
> Gladia
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