[Mne_analysis] mne watershed_bem error, saving

Kirill Elin ekirling at gmail.com
Fri Feb 14 13:52:26 EST 2020
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Dear everybody,
I need to create BEM surfaces using the FreeSurfer watershed algorithm for
MEG data analysis using MNE-Python.
So I ran the command: mne watershed_bem --subject subjectname
And it runs e.g. till:
mri_watershed ru_nivcsw   12490
mri_watershed done
and quits with errors like:
(only final line are below)
line 143, in _check_fname
    raise IOError('Destination file exists. Please use option '
OSError: Destination file exists. Please use option "overwrite=True" to
force overwriting.

Now, it is unclear what destination file is meant. This happens on several
--overwrite option does not help at all.
The correct outcome should include bem folder with resulting files and also
watershed subfolder with resulting files. In case of the error above the
files in bem folder are missing and there are files only in watershed
FreeSurfer 6.0.0, Ubuntu, MNE 19.0.0
Thank you in advance.
Sincerely yours,
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