[Mne_analysis] Digitization points not in head coordinates, contact mne-python developers

Eric Larson larson.eric.d at gmail.com
Sun Feb 23 21:04:38 EST 2020
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Setting info['dig'] manually is not supported and breakages (like this) are
expected. You should instead use `raw.set_montage`. It will convert the
montage positions to head coordinates for you.


On Sun, Feb 23, 2020 at 8:57 PM Rhys Hobbs <rhys.hobbs at otago.ac.nz> wrote:

>         External Email - Use Caution
> Hello,
> I'm messaging because I recieved the error  "RuntimeError: Digitization
> points not in head coordinates, contact mne-python developers" while
> trying to bring up a topography plot using
> *plot_projs_topomap()*. Some background: I have some eeg data that has
> already been preprocessed in eeglab which I would like to load into MNE. I
> managed to load just the eeg data into MNE using
> *mne.io.read_epochs_eeglab()*. However, it seems that
> * read_epochs_eeglab()* ignores the location data stored in the eeglab
> EEG file structure. I assume this is becuase the function only cares about
> extracting the "raw" data from the .set file?
> Below is my code which calls the data stored in the attached zip file:
> import os
> import mne
> #loading eeglab data:
> eeg = mne.io.read_epochs_eeglab('009testData.set')
> #Loading 10-20 eeg montage:
> montage = mne.channels.make_standard_montage('standard_1020')
> #Storing digitization points  1-58 into the
> mne.io.eeglab.eeglab.EpochsEEGLAB type object:
> #NOTE: The digitization points stored in montage don't match the ones
> stored in the eeglab
> #      data. However, I have determined that this is unrelated to the
> error in question.
> eeg.info['dig'] = montage.dig[3:len(eeg.info['ch_names'])+3]
> #Attempting to plot the topography plot:
> fig = eeg.plot_projs_topomap()
> I'm pretty new to MNE and the concept of montages as a filetype confuses
> me. But if you have any pointers/could advise me what exactly I've done
> wrong I'd really appreciate it.
> All the best,
> Rhys
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