[Mne_analysis] channel locations

Federica Degno FDegno at uclan.ac.uk
Mon Jan 20 12:54:27 EST 2020
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Hi all,
I am new to MNE Python and I am having some issues trying to read the channel locations of some EEG datasets I have processed with EEGLAB.
In Matlab, the EEG.chanlocs correctly shows the coordinates of each electrode (labels, type, theta, radius, X, Y, Z, sph_theta, sph_phi, sph_radius, urchin, ref). However, when I load the eeglab data in MNE Python, I can plot the data and see the channels labels, but not the location of each channel.

ValueError: picks ('info') could not be interpreted as channel names (no channel "info"), channel types (no type "info"), or a generic type (just "all" or "data")

Does anyone have any thought on why MNE cannot read the channel locations, and how I could sort this out? I will use MNE for source estimation analysis.

Many thanks.

Best wishes,
[University of Central Lancashire]
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