[Mne_analysis] Problem with BEm construction

Edoardo Pinzuti edoardo.pinzuti at gmail.com
Mon May 25 06:36:27 EDT 2020
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Dear MNE team,

I many of my subjects the watershed algorithm gives poor results. So  I
decided to  create BEM based on the inner skull boundary from fiedltrip. I
saved the output from fieldtrip as surface format but when I pass
inner_skull.surf to the function  make_bem function I get :
Creating the BEM geometry...
inner skull CM is   1.05  -0.61  59.80 mm
RuntimeError: Surface inner skull is not complete (sum of solid angles
yielded -1, should be 1.)
When I visualize the surface  does not seems to have any problem

Do you know what could cause the error?

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