[Mne_analysis] pyinstaller not compatible with joblib based functions

Tijmen Wartenberg Tijmen_Wartenberg at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 11 08:25:38 EST 2020
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Dear users of mne software,

I encountered a very specific issue regarding the use of pyinstaller in combination with the parallel computing performed in the variety of mne functions, based on joblib.

When I run the .exe file, created via pyinstaller my code runs until a piece of line where the parallel computing is first called upon (make_forward_solution). However, this spikes my GUI to open mulitple times (three times more), as defined by the number of cores for parallel computing. At this point, the .exe stops performing as well unfortunately.

Is anyone familiair with this problem and is there a workaround?

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards
Tijmen Wartenberg
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