[Mne_analysis] Editing BEM meshes (Blender)

Ricardo Licona ricklicona at me.com
Sat Oct 24 21:27:25 EDT 2020
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Dear all,

I had problems with BEM surfaces of FreeSurfer, thus I tried to correct them with the software Blender. After manual editing, according to plots, the intersections between the outer skull and outer skin disappear. However, when I run my Python script to create the 3-layer BEM model (conductivity = (0.3, 0.006, 0.3)), I have the same error message: “FAILED to create 3-layer BEM for sub009: Surface outer skull is not completely inside surface outer skin.”

I am using the ds117 dataset. 

Plots (subject 9):

* Original plot without edit: https://correoipn-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/jliconam1700_alumno_ipn_mx/Ee725N_sYlhHtVMvMVDq7UABDrd6yjCwE9unGYMVVj3UvQ?e=co8vb4 <https://correoipn-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/jliconam1700_alumno_ipn_mx/Ee725N_sYlhHtVMvMVDq7UABDrd6yjCwE9unGYMVVj3UvQ?e=co8vb4>

* Plot after Blender edit: https://correoipn-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/jliconam1700_alumno_ipn_mx/EQjGk_LZgyNItO-sJ8dYLZgB9a6W1HfqzqtiIEZYy6dlQA?e=KAlbM4 <https://correoipn-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/jliconam1700_alumno_ipn_mx/EQjGk_LZgyNItO-sJ8dYLZgB9a6W1HfqzqtiIEZYy6dlQA?e=KAlbM4>

Any advice? 

OS: Mac Os X (Catalina 10.15.7)
MNE: 0.21.0
FreeSurfer: 6.0 (due to some problems with the recent versions and Mac Os X)

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