[Mne_analysis] Defining Epochs according to event order

Bruno Mansur brunommansur at gmail.com
Thu Jan 28 20:21:07 EST 2021
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Dear list members,

I have the following event dictionary:

event_dict = {'False': 1, 'Hit': 2, 'MP1': 3, 'MP2': 4, 'MP3': 5,
              'M_False': 6, 'M_Hit': 7, 'OGT': 8, 'PMC': 9, 'S  4': 10,
              'actiCAP Data On': 11, 'boundary': 12}

and I want to create epochs that *contain three events* (‘Hit’: 2,
'‘M_Hit’: 7, ‘OGT’: 8). *All three events should be contained in the same

So I first epoch my data passing the entire event_dict:

epochs = mne.Epochs(raw_bandpass_ica, events, event_id=event_dict,
                    tmin=-0.2, tmax=6, reject=reject_criteria, preload=True)

And then, in order to create my desired epoch, I tried this:

OGT = mne.pick_events(events, include=[8, 2, 7])
epochs['OGT'].plot(events=OGT, event_id=event_dict,
                   event_color=dict(OGT='red', Hit='blue', M_Hit='green'))

However, the output I got was Epochs containing some of the three events
and not all at the same time.

Do you know how could I define Epochs containing concomitant events?

I would appreciate any help

Best regards,

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