[Homer-users] Process Stream help

Shannon Michelle Burns smb02011 at mymail.pomona.edu
Tue Jul 15 13:20:04 EDT 2014
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Hi all,

My research team has a couple questions about modifying the process stream that hopefully someone can help with.

- Firstly, is there a filter for wavelet based detrending to remove baseline fluctuation, such as the algorithm described in Jang et al. 2009? And any guidelines as to its input?

- We'd like to experiment with using the PCA filter for global physiological noise reduction (like in Zhang et al. 2005). Which of the enPCAFilter's in the processing stream GUI would be best suited for this?

- And finally, we've been trying to create our own processing config files (specifically adding hmrMotionArtifactWavelet or hmrMotionArtifactSpline into the stream following the default MotionArtifact), but when we try to process data using them, we get this sort of Matlab error:

Attempted to access tInc(:,1); index out of bounds because size(tInc)=[0,0].

Error in hmrMotionCorrectSpline (line 59)
    1stMA = find(tInc(:,idx_ch)==0);     % sublist of motion artifact segments

Error in EasyNIRS_Process (line 88)
    eval( fcall );

Error in EasyNIRS>runNIRSsignalProcess (line 1024)
[procResult procInput err] = EasyNIRS_Process(hmr);

Error in EasyNIRS>popupmenuNIRSsignalProcess_Callback (line 1437)

Error in gui_mainfcn (line 96)

Error in EasyNIRS (line 43)
    ?gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varagrin{:});

Error in
@(hObject,eventdata)EasyNIRS('popupmenuNIRSsignalProcess_Callback', hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))

Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback

What can we do to fix this so we can use these other motion artifact filters?

Thank you so much for your help!

-Shannon Burns

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