[Mne_analysis] mne.SourceEstimate.data array

Eric Larson larson.eric.d at gmail.com
Tue Jul 31 20:37:09 EDT 2018
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> if the float values in that array are current density

They are currents (nAm) for method='MNE' and noise-normalized versions of
these for other methods.

> what are the XYZ coordinates for each of the 8000+ vertices

The `stc.vertices[0]` are the left-hemisphere vertex numbers of the
high-resolution Freesurfer surfaces for the subject.

> What we’re interested in is getting the xyz coordinates and current
> density data as well as lobe location, just like the sLORETA Viewer shows,
> in an automated way. Is there any way we can do this in MNE?

I have not used the sLORETA viewer so I can't comment on that, but yes it
should be possible to get these values. You can load the surfaces with
`rr_lh = mne.read_surface('subjects_dir/subject/surf/lh.white')[0]`, then
your locations are `rr_lh[stc.vertices[0]]`. For the right hemisphere, load
`rh.white` and use `rr_rh[stc.vertices[1]]`.

I see that you have opened an MNE-Python issue about this, too. Perhaps we
should discuss there how to add a tutorial for the Freesurfer surfaces /
source-space information to make it clear how to get these values.

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