[Mne_analysis] LCMV source extraction for continuous resting data

Eric Larson larson.eric.d at gmail.com
Thu Dec 12 09:49:59 EST 2019
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> How would I do it for resting data?

You can use apply_lcmv_raw


> Is there a way to create a new raw data object with  the new channels as
> chantype iEEG. This would make further processing much easier than with the
> source object.

You could hack the raw object to do this by creating a new RawArray
<https://mne.tools/dev/generated/mne.io.RawArray.html> from the stc.data
you obtained from apply_lcmv_raw.

Finally, are the vertex coordinates stored somewhere in the source object?

Not in the object itself but in the source space used to create the
forward/LCMV filters. It depends on what type of source space you are using
but in general stc.vertices stores the vertex numbers used for the source
space, so src[0]['rr'][stc.vertices[0]] for example would give you the left
hemisphere source locations if you are using surface source spaces.

Is there a template solution for MNI2009b instead of fsaverage?

Not to my knowledge, but I think that fsaverage is already in MNI305 space
<https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/CoordinateSystems> so perhaps
that already gets you close to what you need.

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