[Mne_analysis] MRI fiducials for EEG coregistration

Mina Jamshidi jamshidi at cbs.mpg.de
Tue Nov 19 05:22:20 EST 2019
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Dear All,

I am coregistering the individual MRIs with the sensor's locations. We used to put the head fiducial points manually on the reconstructed head shown on the GUI of mne.gui.coregistration(). I was of course not happy with the manual selection of fiducials.
Now, I used the new function mne.coreg.get_mni_fiducials in version 19. But the detected fiducials do not match the ears and nose *visually* on the reconstructed head shown on the GUI of mne.gui.coregistration(). There is a fuction in brainstorm which finds the fiducials automatically based on template head. Thant function also did not work properly for my data.
I tested the function for the sample head of mne_data, the fiducials from get_mni_fiducials match visually on the head of mne.gui.coregistration(). 

Does anyone have similar experiences or suggestions?


P.S. I've calculated the 3-layer bem model with mne.make_bem_model.

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